Friday, December 28, 2007

My First Attempt

I've wanted to do this for quite awhile now, but just wasn't exactly sure how to. So I've just jumped in with both feet and we'll see where this leads.
I'm the mom of three boys. I've been married to the love of my life -- and also my biggest critic and supporter -- for almost 25 years.
Our oldest son is 15 and was born prematurely. Everything that could have gone wrong did, except that he survived. He has cerebral palsey, cortical blindness, seizures and is fed through a g-tube. He uses a wheelchair and is considered non-verbal; however, he is VERY vocal.
Our second son is 13 and has severe ADHD, which is regulated by medication. He loves soccer, and would play 24 hours a day if he could.
Our third son is 10 going on 30. He's very organized will probably be an engineer, but for now he's satisfied building his own trebuchet and shining up rocks in a rock tumbler.
Now, why did I name this BLOG "Knitting and Needling"?
Because I am an avid knitter and crocheter, and my kids would characterize me as someone who needles them all the time. How appropriate, I think!
I'd love for this to be a way to express my thoughts on many issues, but mostly as a way to stay in touch with family and friends, so if you have thoughts or responses to what you read here, please respond. But be nice!
That's it for now. Not great for my first post, but it's the best I can do on the fly.
Until next time -- Susie

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