Saturday, January 12, 2008

Home from the Hospital and finishing a jacket

Evan got home from Nationwide Children's Hospital this afternoon about 1. He's ecstatic and so am I. We put him in bed with his own pillow, which he immediately pulled over his head. When we peaked underneath, he had a huge smile on his face.
He ended up getting a catheter placed in his bladder in surgery on Friday and the super-pubic (or the catheter placed in his bladder through the abdomen) was removed. He'll have that in for a week, when he goes back to the doctor and we wait to see if he pees. Woo-hoo!
While sitting on the love seat next to his hospital bed, I worked diligently on a crocheted jacket for my sister-in-law. Got the back and left side done. Almost got the right side done and realized it wasn't the exact same size as the left, so I tore it out and now check every row to make sure I'm on target. It's taking a long time, but at least it will match. I'm supposed to be putting buttonholes in this side too, but my sister-in-law will have to settle for those those loops of cord that loop around a button or knot of cord. I think they're called frogs. If you know what they're called, let me know!
Terry (my husband) has taken Philip and Derek and Philip's friend Tyler to a movie tonight, so I'm going to relish my first night in my own bed in almost a week. Not even sure if I'll get up in time for church tomorrow morning.
In the meantime, it's back to my jacket after a quick check on Evan. Goodnight!

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