Monday, January 21, 2008

In the hospital ... again

We're back in the hospital. Oh, I hate this place!

After all the trouble with the clogged g-tube and replacing it with the creaming, I thought we were doing well. But then Evan started having extreme abdominal pain late Saturday night that continued through Sunday. Then he got a low-grade fever.

So back to the ER we go. This time more x-rays, a high-contrast CT scan, and blood and urine tests. Everything was normal -- or at least normal for Evan. So he was admitted for observation.

Then, one of his blood tests during the night came back with high pancreatic enzymes -- a sign of pancreatitis. That's what he's being treated for unless they find something else.

This kid just can't seem to get a break.

I always carry my back full of "things to do" so I've got plenty to read and plenty of knitting to work on, I'm just too tired to do anythinn more than sit and stare into space.

Terry and the boys came to sit with Evan for awhile so I could walk around and get out of the room. But now it's time to go back. If you're of the praying sort, please keep Evan in yours. Thanks!

1 comment:

Tia said...

So sorry you're all having to go through this. My toddler will be having her gastrostomy placed next week (having had an NG tube since birth); I hope we aren't sharing a similar story after her op! And I do hope Evan is feeling better soon.

31 bins of yarn sounds good to me - but if you get the bug to buy more how about selling some of the more "vintage" stuff on ebay to finance it?