You know what I mean, don't you? The cross-stitch kits that are done but frameless, purses that are knitted but lining-less, ornaments that just need the hangers attached, partially-painted paint-by-the-numbers canvases. You name it, I've probably got a project in my cabinet that fits the bill.
I decided that I need to have something that I've finished, so I've rooted out three purses and put the linings in them. They look really cool.

Not necessarily a professional job, but good-enough for hand-made and a first try at lining a purse.
Not finishing things isn't limited to my crafting. I realized this morning that I started a story here and never let all of you in on the end of it. Here's how things turned out with Evan at the hospital post-surgery.
He stayed at Nationwide Children's Hospital for three days to try to determine what was causing his belly pain. He started pooping and started feeling better, so we think he had some stool "caught" in one part of his intestines. Once it got moving, everything got better. He went back to school on Monday, Jan. 28, and is in heaven. He has been exhausted when he gets home, but that's OK. He'll build his stamina back within the next week or so.
Now we're dealing with Terry's dad being in the hospital after having a stroke on Jan. 26. He can't move his left side and is having some trouble with his sight, but he can talk and understands that he's had a stroke. He knows who people are when they visit, but he sleeps a lot. He's at Riverside Methodist Hospital in Columbus and will probably be there for awhile. Then he'll be moved to a nursing facility for rehab. Terry described the next several weeks and months as a marathon and I think he's right!
With any luck, I've finished more than just a few purses today. Thanks for visiting!
Until next time ... Susie
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